Usually we have the habit of using Windows key for popping up the start panel in Window.I felt clunked whenever I hit the Windows key (another windows habit of bringing Start Menu) to bring the Ubuntu Panel at the top of screen as nothing happened at that time.
Ubuntu Panel is a dropdown menu which is used to launch applications, which is quite similar to the way Windows has the start menu. However If you are a windows user new to Ubuntu, you might want to have the windows key launch the applications menu. Thankfully this is an easy thing to do in Ubuntu.
Go to the System \ Preferenc \Keyborad Shortcuts menu item:
Scroll down till you see the “Show the panel menu” item,click in the Shortcut column, and when it changes to “New accelerator…”, hit the Windows Key. Close all windows and you’re done!
Now whenever you will hit the windows key (intentionally/unintentionally/for God’s sake :P) , the application menu will pop up and you can navigate into it using the arrow keys.
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