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Laptop Recovery

Posted by Binny Monday, August 24, 2009
Laptops are susceptible to physical damage and other problems that affect data integrity resulting in data loss – especially because of their portability.

Through Ontrack® Data Recovery services, Kroll Ontrack® has extensive experience with laptop data recovery from all around the world.

With the Ontrack Data Recovery service evaluation, you’ll know exactly what data you’ll get back before making decisions to proceed with a recovery service.
Laptop Recovery Capabilities

Ontrack Data Recovery services offer multiple data recovery service options for laptop recovery and are available for:

* Any operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.)
* Any make, model or brand: In fact, Ontrack Data Recovery services are recommended by major manufacturers
* Any generation of drives – from oldest to the very newest
* All causes of data loss - from simple to the most complex and catastrophic data loss situations - including viruses, natural disasters, accidental deletion, system crashes, corruption, hardware failure and more

Signs That a Laptop is Likely to Experience Data Loss

* Strange noises or grinding sound
* Blue screen of death
* Unresponsiveness

What to Do When Your Laptop is Failing

* Turn off laptop immediately – further operation may damage data beyond repair
* Do not restart laptop
* Do not install or re-install any software
* Do not shake, disassemble, remove or attempt to clean a suspected damaged hard drive – improper handling may cause more damage
* Do not use file recovery or other utility software to attempt repair for a damaged or failed drive
* Do not attempt to dry a wet laptop
* Never attempt to operate any visibly damaged devices
* Contact data recovery specialists providing Ontrack Data Recovery services immediately

1 Response to Laptop Recovery

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Thanks for guiding us to so that we can try to escape from data loss.


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